ICEBREAKER - 25th of October, Wednesday
06:00 PM - 10:00 PM (Warsaw GMT+02:00) Location: Hotel Airport Okęcie, Foyer in front of Concorde & Zeppelin rooms - 7th floor
Icebreaker - Meet your peers
Welcome to the Evening Icebreaker Session of our conference! Tonight, we invite you to step away from the hustle and bustle of the day and indulge in an evening filled with fun, laughter, and connection.
This session aims to break the ice, build new relationships, and foster a sense of camaraderie among our esteemed attendees.
EVENT DAY - 26th of October, Thursday
07:30 AM - 08:30 AM (Warsaw GMT+02:00) Location: Foyer in front of Concorde & Zeppelin rooms - 7th floor
Welcome to the conference registration! Check-in, grab your materials, and get ready for an incredible event. Enjoy networking and prepare for an inspiring experience. Let's get started!
#opening #registration #organiser
Wojciech Jackowski
Strategic Advisor
08:30 AM - 08:55 AM (Warsaw GMT+02:00) Location: Concorde & Zeppelin rooms - 7th floor
Opening of the event & introduction of APM.ZONE Community
We'll open the event and share with you our plans for APM.ZONE Community that we're creating and kicking off with this event.
#presentation #itapm-community #organiser
Damian Skibiński
Head of IT Service and Asset Management
09:00 AM - 09:55 AM (Warsaw GMT+02:00) Location: Concorde & Zeppelin rooms - 7th floor
How to have the best discovery in ITAM? Practical deep dive
Volvo drives very mature ITAM practice. They've invested a lot of effort to optimize and choose the best set of tools in the discovery area to ensure top quality data which is crucial for each ITAM department and IT organisation. You can expect to get a lot of interesting information on choosing tools for specific use cases or negotiating with discovery tools manufacturers to get only a specific function instead of paying for the whole suite. Damian Skibiński will share his experience and practical insight on:
How to start with ITAM with focus on discovery area?
How to segment your approach?
What are the best practices?
How to make a plan?
What to look for?
#keynote #itam-discovery
Dawid Wichowski
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM (Warsaw GMT+02:00) Location: Concorde & Zeppelin rooms - 7th floor
Business Capability Model - Why? How? What?
DSV is dynamically growing logistics company for which M&As are bread and butter. To enable business activities and provide expected IT synergies in M&As they had to enter another level of Application Portfolio Management. Part of this journey was introduction of Business Capability Model which enables comparison of systems on the functionality level and introduces clear roles and responsibilities on business and IT sides. During the case study presentation you'll get to know:
Why Business Capability Model is important element of decision-making process.
How it was introduced in DSV and what challenges they faced.
What it looks like and how it's being used.
How it enables the business and speeds up M&As.
#casestudy #itapm #architecture #business-capabilities
Dorota Sołdrowska
Senior Lawyer
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM (Warsaw GMT+02:00) Location: Concorde & Zeppelin rooms - 7th floor
How to manage AI tools?
AI tools are hot topic for all of us and especially business units who seek potential for speeding up and increase of profits. However, AI is a beast that is not yet tamed by IT organisations and Asset Management disciplines.
Like in case of GDPR, governments are also falling behind when it comes to delivering regulations. In the meantime, employees can engage with ChatGPT, Office365 or GenAI services to name just a few.
In 2024 European Union will introduce Artificial Intelligence Act which will split AI into types: restricted, high risk and minimal risk – this will affect whole AI market and companies using it. That’s why Dorota Sołdrowska will help us understand:
What’s the scope of AI Act?
Is it important? How it influences our organisations?
What can we lean on from legal perspective and how to engage with our organisations?
What is the calendar that we should act upon?
How can we prepare and what to do?
What are the risks and challenges?
#keynote #ai #ai-tools #itam
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM (Warsaw GMT+02:00) Location: Concorde & Zeppelin rooms - 7th floor
Lunch & Networking
It's time to refuel, recharge, and connect with fellow attendees. Grab a delicious meal, find a comfortable spot, and take this opportunity to mingle, share insights, and expand your professional network. Whether you're striking up conversations with new faces or reconnecting with familiar ones, this is the perfect occasion to foster new collaborations and gain fresh perspectives.
So, savor your lunch, exchange ideas, and make the most out of this valuable networking time. Enjoy!
#lunch #networking
Wojciech Jackowski
Strategic Advisor
01:00 PM - 01:55 PM (Warsaw GMT+02:00) Location: Concorde & Zeppelin rooms - 7th floor
IT Asset Portfolio Management in an enterprise context
Growing complexity, extending interdependencies and pressure on cost reduction in IT requires hollistic and practical approach to management of IT assets in an enterprise. Wojciech Jackowski will share how to approach it from strategic, tactical and operational perspective. We'll start with the architecture view of all IT assets and then apply perspective layers to create a decision supporting model which will help you navigate through IT landscape. During the keynote we'll cover:
What is the architecture of IT assets in the company?
Why is ITAPM needed and how does it differ from traditional ITAM?
What are the maturity levels of ITAPM?
How to manage respective areas?
Where to start? No matter where you are today.
#keynote #itapm #architecture #decision-model
Dawid Wichowski
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM (Warsaw GMT+02:00) Location: Concorde & Zeppelin rooms - 7th floor
Roundtable Session 1: Asset portfolio rationalization / consolidation. Why? What? How?
Consolidation, reuse, reduction are for many obvious elements of ITAM discipline and often are mentioned in IT or company strategies. However, the challenge begins with scale and complexity. Do you only look at software, licenses or maybe hardware? What about whole systems or services?
During this session we'll discuss aspects, approaches and experience on rationalization of assets in the company. The following questions will help us during the discussion:
What is the scope of assets that you consolidate? Where do you stop?
How to actively support consolidation activities?
What are the ways to rationalize IT assets in the company?
Who should do it? What are the roles and responsibilities?
How ITAM can support or drive?
#roundtable #discussion #itam
Wojciech Jackowski
Strategic Advisor
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM (Warsaw GMT+02:00) Location: Concorde & Zeppelin rooms - 7th floor
Roundtable Session 2: How do you engage with enterprise data model and dependency management?
Companies, organisations and complexity of enterprise environments grow every day and all of that aspects can be described by data models to provide transparency, and enable making decisions when number of elements to manage is overwhelming for a human mind. Services, systems, capabilities, CIs... usually a world of IT Architects. But is it really only architecture's interest?
Does ITAM have anything to say or just comply?
During this session we'll discuss ITAM's proactive or passive approach on the data model that governs IT organisation.
The following questions will help us during the discussion:
Do you have defined data model for all assets in your organisation?
Are you part of the designing and management of the data model?
How do you deal with scale and complexity?
Do you actively use and manage dependencies between the assets?
#roundtable #discussion #itam
Maciej Kasprzak
IT Asset Management Program Advisor
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM (Warsaw GMT+02:00) Location: Concorde & Zeppelin rooms - 7th floor
Roundtable Session 3: How to make ITAM visible and part of decision makers' agenda?
Everyone knows that ITAM brings value, but it's still treated as a cost. Have you saved millions, but still has been asked to reduce the cost or not make further investments in ITAM? Could your organisation avoid costly mistake if only you were part of the discussion? We know the struggle. It's a constant battle to show that ITAM brings value to the IT organisation and company itself.
Let's open the discussion then and look for practical advices, communication strategies and examples.
Is data delivered by ITAM part of decision makers toolset?
How to make ITAM part of every Execs agenda?
How to communicate value and raise awareness of ITAM in the company?
What techniques, activities or strategies worked in your experience?
#roundtable #discussion #itam
Moderators of Roundtable Sessions
03:30 PM - 04:00 PM (Warsaw GMT+02:00) Location: Concorde & Zeppelin rooms - 7th floor
Roundtable Sessions Summary
Together with moderators of the respective Roundtable sessions we'll share the summary of respective discussions.
All outcomes will be later on gathered and shared in the presentation available for all attendees and each of the moderators will add their summary comment to the results.
#keynote #roundtables
Andrzej Budziński
04:00 PM - 04:40 PM (Warsaw GMT+02:00) Location: Concorde & Zeppelin rooms - 7th floor
ITAM failures and learnings as part of career path
Throughout our career in IT Asset Management we face different organisational setups, possibilities and constraints. Andrzej Budziński from DSV will share with us his journey over the years, what learnings it brought and how it affects his new role as a Project Manager. This will be a lighter topic for the end of a hectic 1st day of the event. During this keynote Andrzej will cover:
What issues and challenges occurred in different organisations?
Is it always the person who fails in the end?
How do you develop / manage ITAM discipline when you're a one-man army?
How does experience from ITAM world influence new career path in PMO?
#keynote #casestudy
Wojciech Jackowski
04:40 PM - 17:00 PM (Warsaw GMT+02:00) Location: Concorde & Zeppelin rooms - 7th floor
End of the event
Welcome to the conference closure! Join us as we reflect on our journey, celebrate achievements, and express gratitude. Get ready for a memorable closing session as we bid farewell and look towards the future.
Thank you for being part of this incredible conference experience!
#keynote #casestudy
06:00 PM - 10:00 PM (Warsaw GMT+02:00) Location: Hotel Airport Okęcie, Aviator Bar & Lounge - 10th Floor
Dinner & Drinks
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our event dinner! Tonight, we gather for a delicious meal and a chance to unwind.
This is a time to celebrate our collaboration and the connections we've made. So, let's enjoy great food, engage in conversations, and create lasting memories together. Cheers to a wonderful evening!
#dinner #networking
We're inviting seasoned experts from different companies who share their experience, knolwedge and practical tips by keynote and case study sessions.
We believe in the power of collaboration, that's why during the event we organise moderated discussions led by experts to share insights and connect.